Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


Oh! Please welcome our new month!
December means that final-exam, yeah fina- exam.
why time passed by so fast ? it feels like i just done my mid-exam and now i have to face my final-exam =_=
i hope there's no more mistakes, no more tears, no more enemies, and i hope i can open my new sheet.
these days, i often feel so random and gloomy :(
and all of sudden, i feel lonely in the middle of crowd. this is pitiful.
and i hope December will be better for me, and everyone who puts their wish on it, and *cough* i hope ehm...  ahaha.
okay, tomorrow is my final-exam, i have to study sooo hard so i can make-over my low score from my mid-exam..

have a miracles month guys!
thanks November for gave so many experiences.
and hello, My Miracles December.



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